If you are thinking on going to USA either as a tourist, student or for work, you will most likely have many questions unanswered.
In this book I will tell you about the most common visas available. I will outline the most important things related to each type of visa from a practical point of view. Those things you need to know that usually lawyers or the human resource department won’t be able to answer, not because of those being a secret but because usually they don’t get down to those day-to-day things you will need to go through when you travel.
You might ask yourself what are the steps you need to follow when you arrive to USA, simple things such getting your driver’s license, or maybe more complicated like how to understand what your credit score is, how to open a bank account or get a credit card, or perhaps you are more interested into things that might affect your family more directly like how to rent or buy a house, choosing a good school for your kids, etc.
Most likely the ways you are used to, are going to be very different than the ones you will find in USA, simple things like holidays or different traditions.
In this book you will be able to find a practical approach where these things are explained in a simple to-the-point way. This book will be your guide not only before you travel but also during your first months in the country.
Day-to-day things that you will go through and will learn the hard way are addressed in this book making it easier for you.
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