
Free on 21st - 25th May 16
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If you are looking for a clear and concise guide on how to recover from vertigo, then look no further!

There are numerous reasons to why one may suffer from vertigo. In most cases vertigo is associated with conditions that relate to the vestibular system (inner ear). If problems arise in this area, they can result with issues such as vertigo, dizziness, a lack of balance and poor coordination.

Here Bobby Gibbs demystifies over 20,000 hours of experience into a simple step by step guide, for those suffering from vertigo, dizziness or vestibular disorders. He explains the root cause of most disorders related to vertigo and provides methods on how to overcome vertigo.

As a personal and vestibular trainer, having suffered from vertigo for several years, Bobby Gibbs has dedicated his time to helping vertigo sufferers cope and recover from their symptoms. His mission is to increase awareness of vertigo, and provide easy and practical strategies that vertigo sufferers can use in their daily lives.

Regardless of how long you have had vertigo, this guide is the path to your recovery!

Free on 21st - 25th May 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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