The White Dove Release Business: Why Funerals Are Easier Than Weddings is a detailed book with fantastic information for anyone who wants to share the natural beauty of nature to commemorate important events in their community. Sometimes words are not enough to express the profound significances of life experiences, such as weddings and funerals, and people often desire a ritual that can beautify ceremonial activities. By reading this book, you will discover everything you need to know to get a commemorative business going, and you will find all the ideas you need to keep this business going. Filled with anecdotes and suggestions from several years of experience in the dove release business, you will be pleased with information, diagrams, and contact details for each stage from selecting your birds to housing, feeding, transporting, and presentation. Most importantly, you will gain valuable knowledge concerning marketing and cost, and you will learn from someone who is friendly, knowledgeable, and very informative. Hobbyists and enthusiasts will find The Dove Release Business book to be the perfect companion and resource for startup and follow-through endeavors that will fill a need for the ceremonial niche that every community values and celebrates in creative and beautiful ways.
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