Told through the first person narrative of Jason Murdoch The Wild Type invites readers with an open mind, a peculiar taste for aesthetics, imagination, and language.
For Jason Murdoch satisfaction has always been elusive. Bianka suffers from a bad case of restlessness, bored and boggled with useless feelings, her hunger for an outlet takes precedent. At first with seemingly not so innocent pastimes, catching the occasional glimpse into the lives of more wayward peers. But, soon enough her curiosity and the claws of fate get the best of her. Leading her into the life of Jason Murdoch with the murkiness of a soft dream, the answer he was seeking. . .until the dreaded nightmare of reality ensnares them both in a lethal trap. . .
Beautiful, suggestive and disturbing, heightened with a painful brand of realism.
The work of Devon West explores obscurity in emotions, unhealthy obsessions, the perception of time; manias and mental paralysis. Isolation, the reoccurring nightmare of existence coupled with the terror of sudden insight.
Merging the present with the past and the uncertainty of the future in, the spiral of life, death, pleasure and pain; preserving the illusions, lying in between.
The subjects are those hidden in the apparent ordinary walks of life; perverse and haunting, not allowing their story to be left untold.
The text does not correspond to typical genre fiction, although it contains certain elements of ‘classic horror’.
Recommended for adult readers.
Killing the Dead
They Come from The Woods: The Alien/Missing People Connection: ALIENS are snatching hikers, campers,...
Infinite Pieces Volume 1: "The Devil's Punchbowl" and Other Horror Stories
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