I was middle aged and homeless, soon to be penniless, and really and truly no different from that bag lady sitting on the bench over there. I couldn’t jack it in and go home, because I didn’t have a home to go to anymore. The bicycle and the tent were now home. Wherever I found myself on any given night was now home. And that meant, for tonight, Genoa Piazza Principe Railway Station was home.
I was cycling across Europe in search of Utopia, a place I believed was located somewhere in Greece. When I found it, I would start a new life there. It was my big, fat, Greek midlife crisis. But now I was having a crisis within a crisis. What on earth had I been thinking?
Crazy Free: An Epic Spiritual Journey
Alicante Travel Guide : Exploring Mediterranean Charms, Hidden Gems for First Timers
San Sebastián Travel Guide : An Essential Companion for Foodies and Sightseer-Unlocking Basque Coast...
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