A collection of personal essays on life lessons learned while growing up in southern West Virginia in the 1950’s and 60’s. The author reflects on pivotal developmental experiences and their impact on his life. The stories are told through the eyes and in the voice of the youth, but include the afterthoughts of the adult psychologist. Many of the stories highlight the bittersweet memories of the author’s childhood and adolescence, and the psychological complexities of coping with loss and change during an American era of greater simplicity and Appalachian culture remoteness. The book is dedicated to the people the author grew up with and their families in Madison and surrounding communities in Boone County, West Virginia.
Hungry for Life: A Memoir Unlocking the Truth Inside an Anorexic Mind
Passage to Shambhala: The Himalayan Journals of M.G. Hawking
When the Bugle Calls: A Soldier's Memoir
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