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Proven Steps to Awakening and Opening Your Third Eye

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to open your third eye. But before we go any further, let’s get to the bottom of what it means to open your third eye.

What it means actually depends on who you ask but the central, most generalized meaning would be the transition from an unconscious to a conscious state of being, characterized by an all-powerful eye that exists at the center of your mind. The raising of one’s consciousness is said to enhance the vision of your third eye, which allows the one experiencing this phenomenon to see beyond what our naked eye can see. There are many ways to describe this happening, but the most common of all would be enlightenment.

On the subject of enlightenment, understand that this has nothing to do with intelligence or even belief for that matter. Opening one’s third eye is actually the abandonment of any concepts that relegate or reduce you to anything less than the sentient being that you are. So, from the perspective of the third eye, intelligence and belief don’t even exist. In the mind of a conscious individual, your beliefs ebb and flow as tides on a moonlit night. When you learn how to open your third eye, you will learn how to entertain many thoughts without accepting any of them as your truth until you find what speaks directly to you.

In addition to this, the opening of your third eye will assist you in managing your emotions and your relationships. You will learn how not to take the happenings of the world personally, and how to get the very best out of every situation–good or bad. And the awesome part here is that in learning this, your third eye will give you the sight to find the positive side to all things that occur in your life; no matter how awful it may be. In the mind of the conscious, there is always a lesson to be learned. And in reference to your emotions, no longer will you be ruled by such impulsive feelings. Your third eye will give you the sight to see beyond the heat of the moment, to break down the structure of your emotional state, and then consciously choose to remove any unsavory or negative emotions from your experience. You will be able to confront feelings and thoughts that you once were at the mercy of, which puts all of the power over your mind into your hands–something that so many people want to be able to do, but don’t understand how to.

This book is one of the most valuable tools that you can have in your journey to opening your third eye, and increasing the awareness of self. There are many qualities that you can work on but, without being in tuned with self at the basis of these things, you are much more sure to fail in your quest to enlightenment. This is one of the best things that you can currently do for yourself because with a heightened consciousness comes less stress, peace, happiness, fulfillment, and even attaining success beyond your wildest dreams if that is your desire. The opening of your third eye moves in very close correlation with the Law of Attraction, which states simply that what you think and do will manifest as events in your life, and that whether these events will be positive or negative experiences depend solely on your perception of them. When your third eye is open, you aren’t ignoring the bad; you just are acknowledging it, and deciding consciously that these negatives will not defeat you. And when all is good in your mind, all will become good in your life.

Tags: Third Eye Awakening, Pineal Gland, Chakra, Kundalini, Enlightenment, Awakening, Third Eye Chakra

Free on 8th - 12th Jun 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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