Welcome to a very personal look into a thirty-nine day journey with one man who did lose the dream that God had given him along the way. As a very successful businessman and a part-time music minister, Michael Stosic felt in his heart that he was called to leave his business to be in God’s full-time service. In faith he sold his business ready to be in service to the Kingdom of God, and after disappointments and hurts, and struggle after struggle, with no doors opening, Michael found himself in a state of gloom and depression like never before. Coming to a point of losing his faith altogether, a faith that he has had all his life, Michael had the opportunity to spend the summer at his vacation home on Mitchell Bay in Friday Harbor, Washington, working as an artist. During this time Michael made a pact with God that he would go on a thirty-nine day journey with Him, journal everyday, his thoughts, his hurts, his needs, singing and worshiping, spending time in His word, seeking God with all his heart, and the God who created the heavens and the earth met Michael there in an extraordinary way.
Famous Bible Verses: 365 Days to More Happiness, Love, Faith & Spirituality
Where's Chuckawalla Bill's Cabin?: A True Tale of Being Lost in the Hi-Desert
THE DEPTH OF HIS LOVE: Exploring the heartbeat of God towards the saved and the unsaved
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