“Okay, Carrie! You wanna know the truth? She’s easy! She doesn’t expect anything from me. I can come and go. I don’t feel pressured or like I have to live up to her standards. You expect for me to be perfect. I’m not Jesus! I can’t walk on water! I’ll sink.”
“Tommy, that’s not fair! I don’t expect for you to be perfect.”
“I can’t tell!”
At that moment, I felt terrible. I felt like I had let him down. It all became clear to me. This man I loved felt inadequate. It was unlike the confident Tommy I knew and loved.
These are the thoughts of Carrie Moseley; a young lady who has Tommy’s best interest at heart. However, her struggle in allowing grace for Tommy in his walk with God put a damper on their relationship and pushed him to form a friendship with another woman who accepted him for who he was. This new friendship, along with Tommy’s gambling endeavors and disinterest in becoming closer to God, caused Carrie’s faith to waver. Not until a tragic incident occurred that called for God’s mercy did they see a change in the dynamic of their relationship.
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