This is the third in the series of three volumes in which Anthony Holt describes the often bizarre, amusing, or sometimes sad events which seemed to surround him as a naval aviator in various parts of the world and later, as a senior manager in London’s Clubland. The stories are interspersed with a couple of strange events experienced by his father in the Second World War and lightened by one or two tales of what “might have been”.
Whether, at sea, in the air, on a battle-front or in the grand settings of Gentlemen’s Clubs, they will bring a smile, or a tear and leave the reader looking for more.
The two previous volumes are “Four of Clubs” and “Nine Stories of the Sea”.
Hungry for Life: A Memoir Unlocking the Truth Inside an Anorexic Mind
SALMAN RUSHDIE: Surviving the 2022 Assassination Attempt
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