
Free on 26th Dec 16
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Martha didn´t like her life and decided to follow her heart, instead of what everybody told her to. She learnt through hard lessons that she can become and do in her life what she wants to, opposing what it was supposed to be for her. She had a friend who advised her and helped her to go on and face all the obstacles she might find in her way, making her stronger in each step in life she gave. Her friend always insisted that whatever psychic power might show up in ourselves is not something that belongs to only one person but to everybody, because it is a part of our nature. The only difference is how much we believe in them and our self-confidence

And she started the great adventure of her travels, first to the countries nearby her, but then to Mexico and India, where she really started to learn how to deal with situations she would not encounter just sitting in a couch.

Free on 26th Dec 16
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