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Universe – Are UFO Pilots Really Aliens

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UFOs and aliens are the sci-fi versions of ghosts and spirits. Spotting any of them is a rare opportunity. And when you see one, few will believe you while others will think that you are either mentally ill or high on drugs. The biggest difference between the extraterrestrial and paranormal beings is that science has the possibility to prove of their existence.

Nowadays, people are now skeptical about reports regarding unidentified flying objects. Only those who are UFO fanatics are taken abound when a new UFO sighting was reported on television. Experts debunking multiple sightings of UFOs and people creating alien stories caused the decline of interest about extraterrestrial beings.

And with the advent of modern technology, some rarely believe in the likelihood of aliens being involved in UFO sightings. They have the prejudice that most of the UFOs that people saw were mostly manmade. With high-end cameras at the disposal of many, low-resolution UFO footages became preposterous and suspicious. On the other hand, with the existence of excellent photo and video editing applications, one can simply forge a UFO sighting.

On the other hand, almost half of regular people and UFO fanatics strongly consider that those things might be related to deep conspiracies planned by government and shadowy institutions. With a government that is a bit questionable in every aspect, who would not resist thinking about the possibility of a conspiracy? And with some of the sightings supposedly happening relatively near some military institutions, who would not think that there is something fishy going on?

Unfortunately, the only ones who could disprove or prove those theories are the UFO pilots themselves. However, is it possible for humans to get a hold of one? If one will be able to see the pilot, who will it be? But the most important question here is – what will it be?

Are UFO pilots aliens?

Or are they humans?

Also, the possibility of being unmanned is high.

In case you are looking for the answers to those questions, this is the book for you. This book will be able to provide you some hints. But remember that this will not give you conclusive answers. Take not that you are treading in an unknown territory – the existence of terrestrial beings. Even many scientists have already given up on searching for the answers that you seek. And they had already reached a point where they already considered these things are pseudo-science. Nonetheless, there are a few things that will happen to you after you read this book. You will definitely ask more questions, gain more curiosity, and starve for more answers.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

  • The Possible Extraterrestrial Pilots
  • UFO Encounters
  • Close Encounters
  • Much, much more!

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$0.99! Find Out Who are the Pilots in UFOs

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Free on 16th - 20th Oct 13
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