
Free on 23rd - 26th Dec 16
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If you have ever struggled to make money online, or found it difficult to post high quality content on a regular basis, then Unlimited Wealth is the book for you. In this book I provide concise and actionable information that illustrate my methods for monetizing and automating Tumblr blogs using free and readily available tools. This book is concise, it contains no useless filler, I demonstrate only what you need to know to successfully apply my methods.

For many years I tried without success to make money online. Nothing I seemed to try came even remotely close to making any money. This all changed about five years ago when I had the idea to automate content posting on a blog and then monetize the blog with Adsense. I was sure this would be successful, so I set it up and waited. To my disappointment, nothing really happened. I gained a few followers, but I didn’t make any money. I chalked it up as another failure and moved on.

This wasn’t the end of the story though! Seven months after setting this blog up, I noticed that my Adsense earnings had doubled one month. I didn’t really think too much of this at first, but when they increased again the following month I knew that something was up. It turns out that the blog I had set up half a year before had been gaining followers, 20,000 of them in fact! Some of these followers had even been clicking on my Adsense ads. This was a revelation to me. My methods of automating and monetizing a Tumblr blog did work. I immediately set about creating other automated and monetized blogs, and over time I was able to replicate my initial success, time and time again.

My methods for automating and monetizing Tumblr blogs are simple, repeatable and effective. In this book I lay out my entire system. I show you how to:

1) Gain an almost unlimited supply of high quality content.
2) Develop systems using free online tools so that you can automate content posting, rather than having to waste your time forever manually posting content.
3) Effectively monetize your content with Google Adsense or other similar ad networks.

Using my systems it is possible to build a portfolio of valuable virtual real estate that is capable of reliably generating passive income. If I can do this, anyone can. Just be aware that this is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes both time and effort to apply my methods. The magic of my system though, is that it is repeatable. If you can do it once, you can do it ten times. If you can do it ten times, you can do it one hundred times. The sky really is the limit. The results you can get from this method will reflect the work you put into it. Those who diligently apply my methods will reap the rewards quite amply.

Buy Unlimited Wealth today and start putting my simple, effective and repeatable systems to use generating passive income for yourself with your own automated and monetized blogs!

Free on 23rd - 26th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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