
Free on 10th - 13th Mar 13
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Just so you should know Vegetarianism is as old as anywhere between 4000-1500 BC as mentioned in various Ancient Indian Scriptures like Rig Veda and Laws of Manu.

So you see something that ancient cannot go wrong in terms of living a healthier and fitter life. Welcome to

Veganism : A Beginner’s Motivational Guide for THE Most Healthy, Plant Based Lifestyle and How to Transition in to the Delicious Vegan World!

Download and read it on any Kindle Device or Free Kindle App on ANY phone or Cloud Reader on your computer

All FIVE star reviews only! Scroll down to read what others are saying!

Just the very first step of browsing through vegan books in Kindle is a good sign isn’t it ??

Elizabeth Aron has been fortunate to be born and raised a lacto vegetarian (uses dairy products) and has embraced Veganism as she grew up. This book is meant as a beginner’s motivational guide to help you get a basic understanding of the life of a vegan . Not only in terms of a diet but other aspects of living a healthier life too.

This book’s objective is to lay down the facts and help you make the decision and stick to it as you take your first baby steps towards a healthier and better life for you as well as the entire society as a whole. Though this is your personal decision I believe it affects our family and community as well since it makes everyone around you to at least pause and think about veganism.

A sneak peek of how it will motivate you

Vegan First Impression Vegan Lifestyle:Myths and FactsVegan NutritionVegan Shopping Guide & GMOVegan CuisineVegan Countries and Additional ResourcesMuch, much more!

Take action today to experience what others have and to begin your vegan journey!

“This book is fascinating. It makes me feel excited to start a healthy lifestyle because all this confusion about health and diet in America is confusing for a reason! The truth really is out there, and this book is the perfect place to start. Very well written, and easy to follow. I highly recommend this book. It, along with many other similar books with change your life.”

“I’ve been a vegetarian all my life, but thought that the concept of veganism is a bit too extreme. I didn’t want to try out a vegan diet just because it has gained popularity. However, this book has changed my outlook altogether. Elizabeth has written an information packed book that gives plenty of reasons why one must become a vegan. It clearly states the facts and debunks all the myths, thereby convincing me that a vegan diet has far more health-benefits as compared to a diet with animal products. The book also gives links to a lot of additional resources and blogs. I tried out the easy-to-make chocolate smoothie recipe given in the book and my kids simply loved it”

“Another book on Veganism I thought, what’s going to be new to learn from this book. After reading through I must say that this book deals much more than just vegan food and mere animal rights. This book opens up your mind to a lifestyle of a more civilized and compassionate world, With so many new diseases and heart ailments cropping out nowadays, it is imperative for all of us to know the consequences of an animal diet,genetically modified foods and the benefits of being vegan. Our body would start thanking us for the lifestyle changes that we do.

For me, I believe even following a vegan lifestyle for a few days in a week would show tremendous results.This book is a good read and I highly recommend it.”

Tags: vegan food , vegan diet, Veganism , Beginner’s guide to becoming a vegan , vegan for life , how to become a vegan , vegan recipes , vegan history, vegan cooking, vegan transition , how to transition to veganism , vegetarian, choosing veganism ,weight loss guide ,

Free on 10th - 13th Mar 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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