Vespers is the sixth installment of the personal journals of Meghan McDonnell. With searing candor and tenderness, her musings on daily life and observations of family, social and romantic relationships coalesce in a commentary on challenges, facing down passion and fear, and American life in the 21st century. Wide in scope and vivid in detail, her journals are her confessional love letter to the world. Join her on a fearless, vulnerable, sometimes painful and quixotic, but always honest journey, also known as the human experience. Readers who love Cheryl Strayed or Karl Ove Knausgaard will enjoy this author.
In volume six in this addictive and vicarious series, McDonnell contends with a boyfriend in spiritual crisis, college, working in a bar, a trip to New York, and reflections on relationships with family and friends.
Hungry for Life: A Memoir Unlocking the Truth Inside an Anorexic Mind
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