
Free on 1st - 5th Dec 16
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If a poll were taken of most people, it would reveal that:

1. The life they lead is a result of happenstances – and not planning.

2. Where they are in life is a result of what other people wanted for and less of what they want for themselves.

3. And, most tragically of all, there is a sense of discontent and a feeling of something lacking in their lives. Most people feel that they were be signed for something greater than what they are accomplishing.

For some of you who are fortunate enough to be traveling down a road of your own making that supports your dreams and goals, my hat is off to you. For the rest of you, I’d like for you to open your minds as you read to the possibilities of redefining, redesigning, and ultimately re-loving your life.

It is my belief – and the belief of many personal and professional coaches – that the lives that we lead is more often a result of lack of planning than over-planning, or even having the wrong plan The most successful people in the world are people who create and fulfill their own vision for their lives. They are the ones that have defined the meaning of their lives and are living on purpose.

During your time of reading through this eBook, I’d like to share with you some ideas on how you can create a more fulfilling life – a life by design rather than a life by default.

3 Elements to Creating A Life by Design:

1. Creating a vision for your life
2. Identifying the strategies that will help lead toward that vision
3. Developing routine actions that will carry you toward that vision

Along with the process of your going through on Creating a Life by Design, I will help you set strategies – or goals as they are sometimes called – broad action statements that help you reach your vision.

They can include things like:

o Have more vitality
o Communicate more authentically
o Become a better partner and parent
o Pay off my debt and create a stronger financial plan
o Develop a business that is financially rewarding an one that utilizes my talents and gifts.

Have more clarity for your life through My Wheel of Life.

Free on 1st - 5th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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