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Free on 12th - 16th Oct 15
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Discover How To Create A Website In Under 10 minutes For Less Than $4

You are about to discover how to create a website by yourself from scratch! If you’re reading this right now than you want to take action and create your own website. Whether you want to start your own online business, have your own blog, or just learn how to create your own website without having to pay thousands of dollars to others to make one for you, this ebook will teach you exactly how to do so.

Benefits Of Having A Online Business, Website, and/or Blog:

Your Own Platform – Your website is your property. You can post whatever you want, whenever you want without worrying about what other people say, or violating any rules on other platforms such as instagram, twitter, facbook etc.

Financial Freedom – One of the greatest benefits of building an online presence is that you almost have unlimited customers in front of you. Even if you plan on building a website strictly for a blog I will show you how to make money doing so! Online retailers are on pace to spend over $300 billion dollars in 2016 alone! If you have a great idea, website, and a way to get people to your website (which you will learn all 3 in this ebook) you can leverage the power of the internet to get yourself to financial freedom.

Passive Income – Passive income is income that you receive on a regular basis that requires little to no effort after you create it. There are multiple ways to create passive income through your website that we will go into detail later. But make no mistake, passive incomes usually requires a lot of work in the beginning, but pays off for years afterwards!

Do Something You Love – “Do something you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life”. Whether you are a food enthusiast, and want to blog about your recipes; A personal trainer who wants to help thousands of people around the world; Or someone who wants to make extra money for their family, a website can allow you to do what you love and make money doing it!

Work For Yourself – 15 years ago, if you wanted to start an online business it was almost as much as starting a local physical business. Now i’ll be showing you how to set up a website for less than $4 a month! Being your boss has never been so easy before! If you are like me and hate working for people this might be the best benefits of starting your own website.

Extra Money – Even if your goal isn’t too make a million dollars, or you like your job and don’t plan on leaving, building a website and an online presence will allow you to make some extra money without investing too much money or time into a side business. Wouldn’t it be nice to make an extra couple thousand dollars a month for some upfront work?

Here Is A Preview Of What You Will learn:

How to create your own website from scratch for under $4.

How to create your website in less than 10 minutes time

How to write your own blog posts

Set up your own pages

Design your own website how you would like it to look

It has never been this easy to set up a website before. This step by step guide filled with pictures will allow you to set up a great website the best and most efficient way possible.

Take action right away by downloading this book, Website: How To Build A Website For Less Than $4, for a limited time discount of only $2.99.

Free on 12th - 16th Oct 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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