
Free on 27th - 29th Sep 13
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Pages: 55

It’s very possible to weigh less today without embarking on a fad diet or starving. You’ve probably heard that weight loss is based on two very simple scientific principles: eat less and exercise more. But, is that really all it takes to shed off those stubborn pounds? If losing weight is based solely on these two principles, wouldn’t everyone be at their ideal weight? Wouldn’t it be easy to lose those last 20 pounds? You wouldn’t even need the scientific tips in here, or any other resource for that matter if all you needed to do is to eat less and exercise more. So, is it then possible that weight loss is a little bit more complicated than just eating less and exercising more?

About 70 percent of people who vow to lose weight, eat healthier, and exercise more fail to start on these seemingly easy goals. And of the 30 percent that do start the process, less than 5 percent actually succeed. Thus 95 percent of people will fail to lose weight when attempting weight loss programs on their own. This is very discouraging and disappointing!

However, 5 percent of people do achieve their weight loss and exercise goals and maintain it. Do you know what it takes to be amongst these elite achievers? It’s really quite simple: Creating your own weight loss program using these 50 simple scientific tips and tricks that are proven to inspire and motivate you and your body towards your desired end result.

This book will motivate you as you continue on your weight loss journey, serving as a daily companion to push your towards your goal until your body feels its best. It is a well-known fact that people are most likely to lose weight when surrounded by positive encouragement and support. The tips shared here will encourage you from today until you reach your goal.

Free on 27th - 29th Sep 13
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