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This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to lose weight and have a healthy life with paleo diet.

Today only, get this Amazon bestseller for just $0.99. Regularly priced at
$3.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

This book will help you improve your eating habits and have a positive
impact in your everyday life and show the joys that a healthy lifestyle can

The concept of Paleo or paleolithic diet goes much deeper then a weight
loss diet and it is also based on achieving optimal health, it is a concept
that brings us back to the way humans used to consume food very much
like our hunter-gatherer ancestors did and combine those with modern
scientific research and a good dose of common sense by cutting off all
harmful additives, processed and agricultural products that are part of
the modern diet of today’s society.

Over the past 200,000 years, human kind have biologically adapted to
whole foods such as plants, meat, seafood because all of them packed
with the nutrients our bodies evolved to thrive on. But it was not up until
10.000 ago that humans begun introducing agricultural products into
their diet, a process that have led humans to also introduce processed
foods, vegetable and seeds oils, sugar and a whole range of unhealthy
way of eating.

In today’s society we are used to consuming packaged, processed foods
that canalize chronic stress, chronic diseases that added to not getting
enough sleep – all of which can have a huge impact in our health, make
us obese and depressed.

It is all about coming to terms with our genetic predisposition and
applying modern knowledge of how the food that we consume and our
activities will affect our body’s chemical reactions like our metabolism,
digestion, insulin levels, and inflammation within our system.

In order to reach such balance we must focus on sticking to eating fresh,

whole, unprocessed foods such as grass-fed meat, free range poultry, wild fish,

vegetables, fruit, berries, some nuts and seeds. Grains, legumes, refined sugars

and dairy should be avoided.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn:

What Is The Paleo Diet?What Is The Paleo Diet Good For?Does It Help To Burn Abdominal Fat?What Should You Eat?What Shouldn´t You Eat?How Often Should One Eat?Is It The Same As The Atkins Diet?Who Invented The Paleolithic Diet?Is It Safe?The Bases Of A Paleo DietHow To Adapt The Paleo Diet For Weight Loss NowadaysDifinitive Guide To Lose Weight10 Small Tips To Adapt To The Paleo DietPaleo RecipesMuch, much more!

Download your copy today!

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Free on 21st - 25th Dec 14
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