When thirteen-year-old Wendy Whooten and her parents move to her mother?s childhood home to care for her aging grandmother, Wendy is devastated. She doesn?t want to leave her friends and school, and she hates the big old house her mother grew up in.
Her mom insists she will learn to love the quaint little town of Camelot as much as she did when she was growing up and that she will find ?Old Bones?, as her mother fondly calls the house, a magical and special place. Magical got Wendy?s attention but soon vanished when the family car pulled into the driveway of her grandmother?s house. Magical was the last thing she wanted to call the big old house.
Wendy refused to get out of the car. Arms crossed and defiant, that?s where her parents left her. Two hours later, Wendy breaks and soon makes a fantastic discovery in her grandmother?s attic. A hidden secret sends Wendy and three new friends on a fantastic journey, changing everything in their little world into a real-life fairy tale.
Welcome to the world of Wendy Woo and her first adventure: Wendy Woo and the Dragon Eggs
Free on 28th Dec 17 - 1st Jan 18
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