Our minds are constantly on the go. Something that happens on any given day sometimes drives me to my computer to write about it. Has this happened to you? Sometimes it’s the ordinary that teaches us a lesson, at other times it’s something that pops into our head that makes us wonder. That is what these pieces are at a time when I wrote but did not have a blog to upload them to for others to read. Or did I want them read? And so they sat. On my computer…waiting. Until now. Without further ado, here are thoughts and feelings I have had “hidden” on a hard drive for far too long. You may relate to some of what’s here, the good, the bad, the silly and the…”what the heck?”
Passage to Shambhala: The Himalayan Journals of M.G. Hawking
SALMAN RUSHDIE: Surviving the 2022 Assassination Attempt
My Air Force Days: Memoirs of a Wing Commander
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