
Free on 31st Aug 15 - 4th Sep 15
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Wheat and wheat based food products are ubiquitous throughout the western diet. Everyday people consume wheat not just from bread and baked goods, but also as an ingredient in a stunning variety of processed foods. However contemporary research is starting to reveal that wheat may not be as harmless as it was previously thought to be.

The effect of wheat on sufferers from Celiac disease has been well documented for numerous years. Furthermore, it has also been recognized that many individuals have also suffered from wheat allergies and must avoid wheat-based products as a matter of life and death. On top of this, many more people are starting to recognize that they may be gluten-sensitive and experience uncomfortable and inconvenient side effects to the regular consumption of gluten, a protein in wheat and other grains. 
However, this eBook concerns itself with one of the most recent dietary discovers about wheat – how wheat may be responsible for weight gain in huge numbers of the western population. Eating wheat and wheat-based products can significantly alter the body’s insulin levels, potentially increasing the amount of energy the body chooses to store from food as fat.

Nonetheless, with our modern understanding of dieting it is possible to avoid wheat and wheat-based products, whilst also eating a balanced calorie controlled diet to promote healthy weight loss. If you are obese or overweight, you do not need to try the latest and most radical fad diet, or take severe and drastic diet alterations. Instead you may be able to see noticeable weight loss with by simply cutting the wheat and counting the calories. This eBook is here to provide you a helping hand by kick-starting your wheat free diet with 31 low-calorie wheat free recipes.

A wheat-free diet is not hard to maintain, expensive or particularly time consuming – there is no reason not to try!

Tags: wheat belly, recipes, diet, lose, cookbook, weight, free, wheat, beginners

Free on 31st Aug 15 - 4th Sep 15
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