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Free on 29th Jan 17 - 2nd Feb 17
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Are you on the Lord’s side? If the answer is yes, it means eternal life. Many claim to be, but sadly are not. God determines who is on his side, and he has given us the Bible so we can tell if we are on his side, and what to do to make sure that we really are. Who Is on the Lord’s Side carefully and thoroughly examines what the scriptures have to say about the 12 major enemies we face, and the wonderful help we have. It looks at what the Bible really says about God, Jesus, what happens when we die, heaven, resurrection, sin and redemption, and the future. It shows why we know the Bible is truly the word of God, and not just a good book. We see how to avoid being tricked into believing false doctrines. And it helps us to know what is unchristian conduct and how to avoid it, but importantly it also helps us to learn what the scriptures teach us about good Christian conduct. And it reveals how a cloud of apostasy hangs over Christendom, and some of its most cherished doctrines, that began while the apostles of Jesus were still alive. This book is truly a textbook for Christians to learn about God and Christ Jesus and what the Bible teaches. It will help us to answer the question, who is on the Lord’s with an emphatic I AM. It will help us to walk on the path and stay on the path to eternal life.

Free on 29th Jan 17 - 2nd Feb 17
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