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Free on 27th - 31st Mar 16
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Ever feel as though the time is constantly slipping through your fingers, but you suspect the cause is not so much a mystery of supernatural proportions but perhaps… somewhat within your control?

The truth is, there are four major suspects when it comes to the crime of stealing your time; escapism, needless waiting, pretend progress, and half-justified excuses. But, unlike most crime cases, we are not here looking for the one suspect that truly committed the crime. In fact, we know that each and every one of those suspects commit the crime of wasting your time every day. Yet, if you really want to point the finger, if you really want to be specific about who to blame… you need only look to yourself.

That’s the bad news; you are responsible for time mis-management. The good news, however, is that you are an unwilling felon. How do we know this, you ask? Because you are reading this blurb in preparation of buying this book. If you did not consider buying this book and hence reading this blurb, it might be that you truly do enjoy letting time slip away while productivity, goals, and dreams pour down the drain along with it. But, that’s just not you.

So, since you are the unwilling evildoer and are plotting to manage your time, save your time, and create a more bountiful life with the time you gain… then you have at last found your secret weapon. Within this book are many clever strategies, mind tricks, and fox-like contrivances to cheating the clockwork time gods of the time they day-to-day gnaw away, and even outsmart your own natural time-wasting rhythms – making them serve you rather than run amok all over your life. Read this book and you won’t have the luxury of mindlessly wasting your time again, nor will you be willing to accept the excuses you invent to procrastinate and waste your time. Take your life back by taking your time back, learn how in Who Stole My Time.

Free on 27th - 31st Mar 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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