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Why AutoHotkey? is not a “how-to” book. There are plenty of other resources both in books and on the Web for that. Rather, I offer this book as a “why-to” which may stimulate you to discover how much easier AutoHotkey can make your computing life. Many of the examples offered here show and discuss some AutoHotkey code, but they are not intended as tutorials–although people comfortable with scripting will find it easy to pick up the language. (Tip for Beginners: Start with Hotkeys and Hotstrings. They are easy to add to your PC and give you instant results.)

This book only scratches the surface of what AutoHotkey can do. Many of its capabilities, such as Windows file and folder manipulation, don’t appear in this book. The depth of the capabilities of this free Windows utility language makes it impossible to include many useful applications. However, with just a little investigation, you will find much more information on the Web sparking many additional ideas for how you can use AutoHotkey. I suggest my “Free AutoHotkey Scripts and Apps for Learning Script Writing and Generating Ideas” page and the scripts page on the main AutoHotkey site.

I’ve broken up Why AutoHotkey? by occupation. As examples and a way to show various applications for AutoHotkey, each chapter covers one or more field of endeavor where AutoHotkey can offer assistance. By no means a complete list of occupations or possible uses for AutoHotkey, the book offers insight into AutoHotkey techniques and apps which can improve your professional (and personal) Windows computing life. However, AutoHotkey is not limited to the script I highlight here. Far from it, providing the power of most other programming languages, the free Windows scripting language is only limited by your own imagination.

o Why AutoHotkey for Learning to Program? Windows Programming Made Easy
Never programmed before? You’ll find no better language for learning than AutoHotkey! Plus, it may save your intellect from precipitous decline.

o Why AutoHotkey for Writers, Bloggers, and Editors?
If you write or edit for a living (or fun) and use a Windows computer (most people do), then you should use the free AutoHotkey software.

o Why AutoHotkey for Artists and Graphic Designers?
While using AutoHotkey with Windows makes sense for most professions, it’s not so obvious for artists and graphic designers.

o Why AutoHotkey for Poets?
Erstwhile multifarious poets optated for quill and parchment. Forthwith, AutoHotkey propounds the furtherance of lyrical ruminations on Windows computers.

o Why AutoHotkey for Chefs and Dieticians?
While you don’t often see television chefs using computers, AutoHotkey offers guidance when cooking “Jack Stuffed Cheeseburgers” at home.

o Why AutoHotkey for Grandparents?
Remember all your grand kid’s birthdays and their ages! There’s no limit to the number of ways you can amuse your grandchildren with AutoHotkey. Plus, the free software gives your brain a much-needed workout!

o Why AutoHotkey for Students?
Ten reasons why every student should use the free AutoHotkey Windows tools! AutoHotkey helps you so much academically that you’ll think you’re cheating! Plus, it’s delicious brain food and helps get you a job!

o Why AutoHotkey for Teachers and Educators?
If you and your students have access to Windows computers, then you’re set! If not, well…

o Why AutoHotkey for Engineers and Scientists?
While Writing AutoHotkey scripts should be no problem for most engineers and scientist, many might be surprised by how much the free language offers in Windows tools.

o Why AutoHotkey for Internet Trolls?
If You plan on being one of the most annoying people on the web, why not make it easy on yourself?

If, after reading this book, you don’t come to the conclusion that you should make AutoHotkey part o

Free on 1st May 17
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