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Why black why not white: Is base in inspirational, faith building and motivating any one that may desire to achieve his or her purpose in life.

It does not matter the background, race and what an individual has been through in life! And all the negative experiences that may have come across their path and journey from their childhood to their adulthood may be? And with all things, they thought may yield to substantial progress and result! Which has not yielded to the result of their expectations.

At some point? They thought they have been forgotten and neglected in their journey of achieving their purpose and knowing the existences of the reasons why they are living and exit in life.

Also. Due to their reasons of not been able in knowing or achieving the result of their purpose? They thought they are created blank and neglected by God! The creator of humans. And that has been, making them to choose all what they thought is right to do, in order for achieving success and living in the atmosphere of those that has been experiencing and achieving their purpose and living in their perfect ordain will of God, for their life.

Also. Two stories were share from the scripture! The first story is about a widow in the book of 2 kings. The wife of a prophet, which her husband left debts for her, before his death.

And she finds it so difficulties to pay her debts. Also, she received a prophetic declaration from the man of God to borrow empty vessels! Which she did.

And she was instructed to pour the jar of oil that was left for her and her son, into the empty vessels. And there was a divine multiplication, and she used the proceed of the money of the oil in paying her depth.

The second story can be found in the book of Genesis. Chapter 32 vs 24-30. Regard to Jacob having a divine intervention with the angel of God, and that leads to the changing of his name and been impacted to approach his future with divine intervention.

Free on 29th Aug 17
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