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Free on 20th - 22nd Jan 17
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Forward Thinking puts people first in its book Why is British Politics not Working? It challenges traditional political policies and develops those that meet the needs of everyone in today’s society.

The twin effects of the ageing population and the emerging digital revolution will test existing tax and public spending structures to breaking point. Forward Thinking is a progressive political movement that prepares for a future-ready UK to tackle these and other issues. It puts forward policies that are progressive for all. Policies that benefit everyone from the huge opportunities that will be created. This is not the usual ‘over-tax the middle classes’ or ‘impose austerity on the vulnerable’ type approach to political change. It is a re-think of policies and taxes with fairness and people at the heart of policies.

We have all been bombarded with examples of how the global economy has already flawed Corporation Tax and made abuse easy for a select few. The press focus on abuses of benefits by the few, while tax advisers concentrate on the abuse of taxes. Major changes are needed to stop this wastefulness and divisiveness. At the same time disillusionment with politicians in enhanced by a biassed electoral system and one that negates many votes.

The book provides a one-stop wealth of facts and comparisons to arm and empower people. Facts that politicians choose not to provide. It draws extensively on European comparisons, to give people a sense of context of the UK situation. Extensive use of graphs illustrate the likenesses and differences in UK policy on both tax revenues and public spending.

However, Forward Thinking’s progressive ideas are not limited by existing practices. The world has never experienced a revolution as fundamental as the digital one will be in reshaping society. While previous ‘revolutions’ have resulted in creating as many jobs as they replace, the digital revolution will not. Unless, that is, we take the opportunity to change our views and attitudes. Previously defined high-skilled and professional jobs will be lost in equal measure to repetitive tasks. It affords an unprecedented opportunity to create new values.

The book accompanies a website: www.forward-thinking.org.uk where people can contribute their ideas to further develop the policies. They can also register their support for a political movement that challenges traditional politics, puts people first and prepares the country for unprecedented change. The website is updated with regular blog posts offering the public the opportunity to engage with Forward Thinking.

People are at the heart of all the policies that are designed to unite a country divided by Brexit and the traditional divide of left and right politics. It looks to long-term planning to prevent the wasteful short term pursuits of the current system. It promotes policies to encourage a strong economy and simplifies both taxes and benefits. It puts forward coherent strategies that include a meaningful war on waste at every level. The policies are based on preserving the environment and look to improve public spending efficiency at every level. They look to reduce political interference in decisions, attaching a much greater role for public opinion and the service supply professionals.

This is a step change from the existing system that tends to push costs from one public sector to another or follow short-term ideas without considering their effects on other sectors or the future. Forward Thinking designs integrated policies that support economic and social prosperity. They create social harmony and meet the certain changes facing the UK.

Free on 20th - 22nd Jan 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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