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Free on 24th Sep 15
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People are great at failing.

Look around.

Look at the person sitting nearest to you. Chances are that person has set a goal in the last 6 months. And chances are…they failed. They didn’t achieve their goal.

Think about yourself.

What was the last major goal you set? Did you achieve that goal? Were you successful? Or did you fail, like most other people?

Think about the last 10 goals you set. How many of them did you achieve? How many did you fail to achieve?

If you’re like most other people, you failed to achieve 9 of the last 10 goals you set.

Think about that for a second. People fail to accomplish their goals 90% of the time. That’s pitiful. What is wrong with us? Why are human beings so good at failing?

Everywhere you look you’ll see goals that will never be accomplished, hopes that will never be realized, dreams that will never be lived.

Don’t believe me?

Look at New Years’ Resolutions, as an example. It’s become almost a joke to say that you’re going to set a Resolution on January 1st, because everybody knows that you’ll have given up by Valentine’s Day. It’s just a common thing – people fail to accomplish their New Years’ Resolution.

And the worst part? Nobody seems to care. Nobody seems to realize just how pitifully horrible we are at failing.

I don’t know about you, but I personally set goals all the time. And I fail all the time. Or, at least I used to.

I can’t tell you how many times in the past I’ve set lofty goals that I was super pumped up about and then just…lost motivation. I got off track and then, eventually, I just gave up entirely. I failed.

And this happened over and over and over again.

I would set a goal, write it down, and then fail. And then a month or two later I would go through the same process. And again. And again.

To put it rather frankly: this really pissed me off.

Why was I failing so much? Why was success so hard to obtain? Was there something inherently wrong with me? What the heck was going on?!

If you’ve ever asked those same questions, then you’re in the right place.

In this book we’re going to examine why people fail – and how you can use this knowledge to succeed.

With the help of this book you’ll be able to achieve any goal, realize any hope, live any dream. You’ll know how to attract success. You’ll be able to accomplish things you never thought possible.

But most importantly: you won’t fail anymore.

You’ll be able to set a goal and know that it’ll be a success. You won’t have to worry about failure. Because as soon as you understand why people fail you’ll also understand why people succeed. And you’ll be able to use that information to avoid failure and attract success in your daily life.

Sound like something you might be interested in?


Let’s go ahead and get started.

Rock ‘n roll, baby.

Free on 24th Sep 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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