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Buy this book and apply its knowledge to help you become a powerful practitioner and develop a deeper connection with Nature and Mother Earth.

Use this book, and the techniques revealed within to build up your skills in fields like spell casting to candle magick to divination in the pursuit of becoming a fully actualized wiccan!

Through its teachings, the religion of Wicca promotes awareness, love and respect for the Sun and the sunlight, Moon, rivers, winds, rain and mountains, the animal kingdom, flowers and trees, the soil beneath our feet, the colorful autumn and the winter snow. Wicca teaches us that everything that surrounds us is made of energy, and it embraces the principle of duality in all creation. This entails the existence of a God and Goddess, the masculine and feminine energy, the positive and negative. The whole Universe is made of such energy and Nature itself is a beautiful manifestation of the duality principle as we, human beings, hold the spark of duality within us.

Here’s what you can expect to find in this book…

The History of Wicca and WitchcraftWicca Gods and GoddessesSabbatsEsbatsStones and CrystalsUsing OilsPlants and HerbsSpellcraftWicca Candle MagickPaper MagickDivinationAnd Much More!

Here’s what some customers thought…

I am so glad I came upon this book. I’m a beginner and out of all the books I have read this is the one that resonated to me.I found it easy to understand. The author has a really soft and loving way of explaining things. I was very pleased with this book as its provided me with a great starting point and inspiration to continue my own journey. I would have given it a five, the only thing which stopped me was its brevity. I would have liked more detail even at this early stage, maybe that’s just me wanting to have my cake and eat it though. Really bood starting point.

After reading this book, I immediately purchased his book and I am looking forward to reading it right away.I would recommend this book to anyone interested in learning the basics of the Craft. Well written, easily understandable.

I found this book fascinating and would recommend it to anyone interested in the Wicca religion!

-James Coffey

If you’ve ever been curious about the Wiccan religion, buy this book! The author meticulously lays out the many different styles of Wicca detailing each in ways sure to fascinate and illuminate even the most ardent of disbelievers. Many times – especially in our Western media – Wicca is portrayed as an evil religion filled with witches casting demonic spells upon innocent children all for the sake of bettering themselves. By learning the truth about Wicca – that it is instead a religion of peace and forgiveness – we are better able to forge alliance with the world around us. Highly recommended!


Wicca teaches us that everything that surrounds us is made of energy, and it embraces the principle of duality in all creation. This entails the existence of a God and Goddess, the masculine and feminine energy, the positive and negative.The primary aim of performing magick with Wicca is to establish a connection with divinity.

A witch can be both male and female and they all honored the Spirit of Nature. They had a vast amount of knowledge of herbs, medicines, and food and life was greatly focused around establishing a connection with Mother Earth.

-Pinto Ray

Don’t Wait! Scroll up and click the Buy button to take the steps powerful practitioner by getting this book now for only $0.99!

Free on 5th Dec 16
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