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Free on 14th - 16th Oct 14
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Want to Save Time, Get Stuff Done and Live a Better Life?

Our world has changed immensely. We are surrounded and constantly nagged by tons of distractions: email, television, social media, phone calls and all the noisy things the World Wide Web has to offer. It’s no wonder feel exhausted by the end of the day.

There’s just too much fighting for your attention. How can you possibly focus and get everything done at a 24-hour clock without disappointing anyone who expects a lot from you?

Well, take a deep breath, slowly breathe out. You’ll find out the answer. Just read on.

It Doesn’t Have to be Like This…

We mistake overtime for dedication. And we think it’s perfectly okay to push ourselves to the limit, working 80 hours a week, not taking lunches or breaks, losing sleep and looking like zombies. If you are planning a suicide mission then do so by all means. If you are trying to kill yourself by overworking however, why don’t you just jump off a cliff? That’ll be probably more effective.

Being a hard worker does not necessarily make you are a smart worker (even though one does not exclude the other). No human being can work round the clock. And no man or woman in the right mind would attempt to do so.

You (and only You) are your own boss.

Do not just make yourself busy with anything you can think of. Get busy with the tasks that matter. Get busy achieving your goals. Find the most effective way of getting stuff done.

That’s exactly what this book is about: working smart, getting the most out of your time and having a better life.

Don’t blame today’s chaotic and noisy world on your lack of productivity. You are your own boss. Start working smart today.

p.s. This book comes with a list of 30 online tools that will help you to increase your productivity, save time and get more done. They’re all awesome and will help you to be even efficient.

Free on 14th - 16th Oct 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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