
Free on 24th - 26th Oct 24
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Suffering from arthritis or would like to prevent it from happening? Yoga is the perfect solution! You can practice it anywhere, anytime, and with just as a few minutes a day, you will see improvement in no time.

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Regular yoga practice has been proven to reduce body inflammation and increase the range of motion. And that is excellent news for arthritis sufferers. On top of that, yoga has many other health benefits including:
oRelieving stress,
oIncreasing strength,
oImproving balance,
oEnhancing flexibility.
oAnd many more!

Yoga is not only for the body but also for the mind and the spirit for an overall well-being

Yoga is not just a form of exercise. When it developed in India thousands of years ago, it was intended as a path to spiritual enlightenment. In fact, the word yoga means “to join together.” It uses poses, breathing, and meditation to unite the body and mind, and brings (among many other health benefits) a sense of peace and well-being. In yoga, mind, body, and spirit are considered three inseparable parts of the whole.

Feeling good is enough encouragement for many to participate in the practice, but if you’re suffering from the chronic stiffness, pain, and discomfort of arthritis and related conditions, there is even better news: yoga can do you a world of good.

It sounds counter-intuitive. When you’re in pain, you don’t want to think about getting down on the floor and contorting into all those unlikely positions. But that is the ideal time to begin. Many poses are gentle and easy, and still deliver benefits. If you spend some time on those, soon you’ll be ready for some intermediate poses. It’s a process,

All you need to do is study the poses, set aside some time for yourself, and try.

This book will also provide you with the essential info on yoga, its benefits, and practising yoga when you suffer from arthritis.

You will soon find your flexibility and strength increasing, and you’ll start to see some of the many, many other benefits of yoga.

Inside, you’ll find poses for:
oShoulder pain
oBack pain
oHip pain
oKnee pain
oNeck pain
oAutoimmune diseases

Are you ready to give it a try?

We can begin to form habits in as little as three weeks, and the yoga poses will start to help you even if you can only spare fifteen minutes a day, starting out. What happens for many people is that they enjoy the practice so much that they stay with it longer, building more strength and flexibility, which in turn makes the practice more enjoyable.

So, hop into something comfortable, take those socks off, and get started!

Scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right side of this page for an immediate download!

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Free on 24th - 26th Oct 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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