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Free on 15th - 17th Mar 15
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Yoga: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

This book gives you an insight about a way of life – for healthy and fresh living.

Yoga has now been practiced for years and has proved time and again to be one of the best ways to strike a balance between our lifestyle and health, giving us stability to achieve what we intend to.

This book seeks to explain the concept and postures involved in yoga, for a beginner; it lays the path toward getting to know our boundless abilities, strength and happiness by performing yoga step by step. Yoga gives the drive to accomplish that “something extra” which we always aim for.

While reading Yoga: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners, you will learn:

The four periods of the history of yogaTen reasons to practice yogaTwelve pre-requisites to practicing yogaSix types of yogaFour basic yoga positionsFourteen movements of Asana yogaSix health problems that can be relieved by the practice of yogaThe benefits and techniques of meditationOur body is a complex machine, which gets into problem later on, if proper movements and lubrications are not provided in the right manner. Food takes care of the lubrication part and exercise/yoga takes care of the movements.

In our regular life some parts of our body are over used and some rarely. Regular yoga helps in taking care of these parts by giving proper movements.
These basic movements give flexibility and strength to various body parts and helps in building stamina for taking so much of strain, thereby making us ready to take on yoga.

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Free on 15th - 17th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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