Effective weight loss, health improvement with 30 yoga exercises from easy to advanced levels
Yoga is a popular way to increase flexibility, gain strength, and reduce stress. This system of physical and mental practices originated in India roughly 5,000 years ago. One translation of the word “yoga” is “union,” referring to the connection of body, mind, and spirit. There are many different types of yoga that range from gentle to strenuous, but every form of yoga improves your health from head to toe, inside and out. The most common techniques practiced in yoga are poses (“asanas” in Sanskrit), breathing exercises (“pranayama” in Sanskrit), and meditation.
When done regularly, yoga can keep you healthy. It can aid in the recovery from illness and pain; and it can discourage disease. It can also provide greater mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall wellness.
The book consists of 30 exercises, divided into three levels: Beginners, Medium, Advanced
Each exercise posture is visualized, with a description of the training.
Hope the book will help you improve health, spirit, success in life
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