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You Can EXPECT A MIRACLE… 13 Keys To Becoming A Miracle Magnet is an exciting concept that once understood by the student, will see expecting the best as the outcome when positive expectations, natural talent and constructive action meet. Expectation is a state of mind and heart. Great things can happen when people are open to possibilities and alternatives. There is room for ideas big and small. Expectation is an act of will. Expecting is more than a passive state or a stationary bus picking up passengers. It involves strength of will. Its brother is intent. Its sister is purpose. Expectation means commitment. Expecting the best becomes a way of life. Have you ever met a person who lives in joyful expectation? You see it in their shining eyes. Expectation looks forward. It looks for new horizons. It seeks the path of improvement or growth. It makes a better family, community or workplace. Expectation comes with her partner Serendipity. People call them chance meetings, unexpected contacts, seed thoughts even miracles. Recognize them when you meet them. Expectation provides a connection. Sharing expectations can open doors of insight, build bridges of collaboration, heal old hurts. The power lies in the giving and the receiving. Expectation speaks the language of encouragement. Using words that build people up creates a positive picture of a shared future. Wildly unrealistic expectations will defy logic. They will disappoint and disillusion you. Avoid the snake oil sales person who builds unrealistic expectations of quick profits, a certain promotion or an easy life without work or pain. Life is not like that. Our expectations need to be in harmony with who we are; the talents we possess; the vocation we are called to. Hold on to expectations that have a “ring of truth”. Expectation joins the energy flow of the universe. As a writer, I start each day slowly unfolding ideas like a surprise present. I find myself floating in the swiftly flowing river of creativity. The skills I have mastered build confidence and buoy my spirits. By expecting the best you will welcome the good things in life. By reaching out to like-minded people you will be blessed beyond measure. By giving more than you get, you will always have enough. In days of trouble and pain you will find new hope. Expect the best and you’ll be surprised how often you will experience it. Dr John Hinwood has lived a life full of miracles for over sixty years and the 13 Keys he teaches in this book have been tried, tested and proven successfully for years by him personally and so many others around the world.

Free on 30th Dec 16
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