Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 6th - 8th May 15
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You were created for a specific reason, at this specific time, to fulfill a specific purpose. You have a royal destiny. However, you will need to find the purpose in life so you can accomplish your royal destiny. Your Royal Destiny: Discovering Your Significance will help you find and achieve your life’s purpose.

Your Royal Destiny: Discovering Your Significance is designed to impart into you the tools, gifts, revelations, wisdom, and knowledge to help you fulfill your God-given destiny. It is a watering trough for all people searching for significance. It is a fountain for all people wanting to discover their life’s purpose. It is a drinking well for all people wanting to fulfill their royal destiny.

This book will help accomplish this by showing you how to step into your destiny. The first step to fulfilling your destiny is to get on the royal path. This path leads to the Kingdom of Heaven. Inside the Kingdom you will find the King. The King is Jesus Christ. This King is the King of kings and Lord of lords. His arms of love are wide open ready to embrace and empower you.

After you are on the royal path, you will learn about the Kingdom of Heaven and what it offers you. You will also learn how to hear the King’s voice so you can receive your marching orders from Him. The marching orders you receive from the King are directly linked to discovering your significance. Don’t worry, you will have a Guide, a Helper, a Comforter. His name is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will help you navigate on this road called life. He has numerous spiritual gifts awaiting you that will empower you to perform miraculous signs, wonders, and miracles for God’s glory.

Throughout this book you will also learn about the weapons of warfare. These weapons will help you along your journey. These weapons will help you remain free from oppression, depression, turmoil, and disease if your enemies should come in like a flood. In the midst of it, you will learn how to cultivate God’s presence, which will be your help and shield. Your Royal Destiny: Discovering Your Significance will help guide you in these processes.

Book Benefits

• Discover your royal destiny.

• Discover your royal identity.

• Discover your life’s purpose.

• Be activated in the spiritual gifts.


• Approximately 27,000 words.

Sample Writing :: Testimony of Withered Hand Healed

While Dawn and I were in Winston-Salem, North Carolina we decided to go to the C. Winkler Bakery for some food. Sitting outside of the bakery, a man and his wife in their fifties were highlighted. From a long distance away, my eyes zeroed in on a wrist brace the man was wearing. I knew God was going to do something.

I approached the couple sitting on the bench and said, “It looks like you hurt your wrist.”

The man replied, “Well, I didn’t really hurt it, I have carpal tunnel syndrome. I had surgery on it two years ago.”

I replied, “After two years you still have to wear the brace?”

“Yes, the doctors say it’s going to be for the rest of my life. I hardly have any strength in my hand. I can only lift 20-pounds with it.” He then demonstrated that he was unable to open his hand. In fact, it was basically a withered hand. The tendons in his hand were super tight and he was by no means able to open it.

“Hey, do you mind if I pray for your hand to open up?” I asked. “We see radical healing miracles all the time.”

“Oh, I guess I don’t mind.”

“Then in the name of Jesus Christ, stretch out your hand.” Nothing seemed to happen. “In the name of Jesus, I command this hand to open.” I didn’t notice any change.

Then his wife said, “Look, it opened wider.”

I began to thank the Lord for what He was doing. I continued to speak healing. After about five minutes, both him and his wife had open mouths as they looked at his hand. God had touched it radically and it was about 95% healed. This was a radical miracle that happened before our very eyes.

Free on 6th - 8th May 15
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