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“All these years I’ve been telling myself if I twirled it a little to the left, it’d be a penis, when in fact, it was nothing more than matted fur.” – Travis T. Bear
It’s difficult being a stuffed animal, especially when you come to the realization that your entire life has been a lie. Proverbial drunk and favorite teddy to the rather flamboyant Kid, Travis T. Bear embarks on a transformative journey of self-discovery in this wayward coming-of-age story. Along with his neurotic pal, Wimpy, and body image obsessed wife, Moona Lisa Cow, our fluffy antihero searches far and wide for his missing manhood and, in the process, learns an important lesson on the true meaning of masculinity.
This is the first book in the ‘NOT FOR KIDS: Fairy Tales for Misanthropes’ series.