Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 19th - 20th Jun 15
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On the 50th Anniversary of the start of America’s commitment of major combat units to Vietnam, Youth In Asia is a new novella of young Americans trapped in the jungles of Vietnam’s Central Highlands in a war they did not understand.

Youth In Asia relives the friendships, loyalties and betrayals of young men in combat, and for those that survive, the memories they carried home.

Written by an infantryman who served as both an enlisted man and an officer after the war, who served with numerous Vietnam Veterans, and who grew up reading Vietnam War novels and histories, Youth In Asia presents a realistic account of five men of the 173rd Airborne Brigade separated from their platoon in the darkness of a jungle night. After the furious fight for Hill 875 and the battles around Dak To, this story is set near the border with Cambodia as North Vietnamese Army units and Viet Cong irregulars are massing for the brutal Tet Offensive of 1968 that broke the back of America’s commitment to fight the Vietnam War.

It is a memorial to our Vietnam Veterans and a war story of determination, triumph and loss. It is a story of furious, close combat in lethal firefights, and it is a story of confusion both on the battlefield and in the minds of young men a million miles from their homes. Those that survive will have changed. Forever.

A portion of all earnings will go to organizations that benefit our wounded warriors.

Free on 19th - 20th Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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