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Free on 8th - 10th Oct 24
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Explore the Forbidden Teachings of the Legendary Lost Realm of Zhang Zhung

For decades, dedicated scholars have endeavored to penetrate the mysteries of the ancient world, to extend the boundaries of our knowledge of prehistoric civilizations. Archaeology, that most arduous of pursuits, has enjoyed stunning successes, and today there are a thousand devoted men and women working to read for us the riddle of ancient ages, living simply in the heat and dust, trying to snatch from the secretive soil the knowledge and technology, the art and literature, the history and wisdom of lost cultures.

Unearthing buried civilizations and discovering submerged cities, archaeology reconstructs an unsuspected antiquity of man and paints a canvas of stunningly mysterious dimension. Yet it’s estimated that less than five percent of the ruins and relics of our world’s most ancient civilizations have been found. It is not merely possible but highly probable, as Aristotle thought, that many cultures arose, developed to a high state, then lapsed from human memory.

For centuries the mysterious realm of Tibet was closed to the probing of our burrowing archaeologists. Isolated from the rest of the world by its overlords and remote setting on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau–the highest in the world, with an average elevation of over 16,000 feet–it remained inaccessible to exploration. This “blank spot on the map” inspired an intense curiosity and desire to recover the silent secrets of the prehistoric culture of Tibet, to discover its spiritual development, and then to explore whatever modern manifestations might still exist in the remote margins of that mysterious world. This desire exerted a powerful pull on the imaginations of Westerners–archaeologists, anthropologists, philologists, historians, and psi researchers alike.

Only in recent years did researchers gain access to previously closed regions of Tibet, and those explorers discovered stunning evidence of an advanced civilization. Expeditions to the highest part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau found an immense network of castles, temples, hermitage complexes, residential complexes, megaliths, necropolises and fortresses, for this most desolate reach of Tibet was once home to the forgotten kingdom of Zhang Zhung.

Revealed in this book is the secret knowledge of this legendary ancient realm, teachings which set forth techniques of powerful elemental magic, or “sorcery.” These teachings are of extreme antiquity, first appearing as part of the lore of the Zhang Zhung culture that arose on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau some 4000 years ago, but believed to have originated far earlier. Being a forbidden body of knowledge, said to convey enormous powers, the teachings disappear from the historical record for some twenty-six centuries, not to reemerge until the 7th century AD in the arcane scriptures of the ancient pre-Buddhist B’on religion.

Transcribed directly from the archived field notes and journals of explorer M.G. Hawking’s five years in Nepal and Tibet, this book contains detailed narratives of his experiences and extensive conversations with a true sorceress of the Zhang Zhung tradition, providing unprecedented first-hand accounts of her psychokinetic powers and extrasensory abilities, and in-depth descriptions of her lengthy apprenticeship and the teachings that allowed her to acquire such extraordinary abilities. If this type of knowledge interests you, this is a book you will never forget.

New Release, 28 Chapters, 42 Subsections, Kindle e-reader page count 345 (estimated, actual count varies with the reading device used). For more information, please see the ‘Look Inside’ feature on this page. Thank you.

Library-Cataloging-Data: true magic, sorcery, extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, telekinesis, psi, secret knowledge, forbidden knowledge, visualization practice

Free on 8th - 10th Oct 24
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