
Reviews on the Site

We choose books to review that are selected from the titles submitted to Bookangel.co.uk. These books are at the reviewers’ choice. We will review books without reviews on Amazon, stories of any length (including short stories, novellas & novelettes) and debut authors.

Be warned, we will be very blunt. By submitting to the site you do agree to risk having your book chosen for review:

  • We do not take compensation for reviews
  • We will be utterly truthful and sometimes harsh
  • We will focus on the book, not the author
  • We will try to rate the book by appeal to its target audience

If you specifically want to request we review your book and have submitted it to the site, contact us to nudge us about the title. Over 100 books a day are submitted to the site, so such a message can help your book stand out.

Update March 2018: PLEASE NOTE: If a book has not been submitted to the bookangel site via a free run or an ad, we will not review it. Also we will not review books pre-publication. For reviews of these books, please contact paperbackraider.co.uk and purchase their Queuejumper option.

Do not email us your entire manuscript unsolicited. Manuscripts received unsolicited, or after we have declined to review the book, will be deleted unread*.

*Being unable to read and follow this guideline is not a good indication of the author’s literacy level.

Reviews that are four or five star may make their way onto Goodreads if we have time. If you see a review you want on Goodreads that we haven’t put across yet, drop us a note. You can find us here:GoodReads

Newspaper Reviews

For the newspaper, books will be chosen from the best of those reviewed on the site, with preference given to
1) good books,
2) authors local to the paper, and
3) those who will appeal to the paper’s demographic. We will notify the authors who had books selected when we submit the column, then add the column to the site once it is released.

Quoting Reviews

You may use the review quote given at the top of the review, or up to 50 words of the review on your site or PR materials, with a link back to the review or a print credit given to Bookangel.co.uk.

For third party reviews, you may use the quote given and provide a link back to the third party blog who provided the review.

