Made in Yorkshire 1964

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1964 (Made in Yorkshire Book 1)

Last Free Dates: 31st Mar 24 to 4th Apr 24
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...This novel of childhood in Yorkshire is well-written, flowing, and requires a sequel. Luckily there's a series....

Growing up on a Yorkshire farm, Richard Warren age 11, is a typical farmer’s lad in the post-war years. This is the story of 1964, from his hobby of writing, to his friendship with a local drunk and problems with the local land owners, whose lack of compassion costs him a friend and could cost his family everything.

A fascinating blend of children’s views and adult cynicism, Made in Yorkshire 1964 is an easy but enjoyable read. I didn’t notice any spelling errors or grammar problems, and the writing is deceptively simply yet descriptive and flowing. It isn’t just the characters that are well-observed and familiar. This is a portrait of an entire community, its tensions and politics, struggles and triumphs, throughout the year, as seen through the eyes of one small boy.

Although it is about a child this is not really a children’s book. It is childhood seen from an adult’s view and while older children and teenagers may enjoy it, many references may be a little cynical for younger ones.

Well-written, enjoyable and flowing, and I want to see more from this author. Luckily there are sequels.

This book was featured in the newspaper column - click for details
Rating: 4
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rz3300 (15 October 2016)
Sometimes the stories about childhoods have a way of making the day a little better, and I am not really sure why, but I am always open for giving it a try. This sounds pretty good too, and having it well written is always a plus of course.

clair02 (16 October 2016)
Childhood stories are sometimes the best because we can all relate to them to some point, and I"m sure this one is going to be a pleasure to read.

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