Magical Landscapes – Photo Gallery

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Magical Landscapes - Photo Gallery

Last Free Dates: 3rd Mar 15 to 4th Mar 15
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...It may seem odd for a book reviewer to reccommend a book with no words, but given the quality of the photographs I do so quite happily....

It is an unusual Kindle book that has absolutely no text, not even on the cover, but this photobook carries it off with panache. Instead you have page after page of absolutely stunning colour landscape photography. If you are using a tablet or viewing in colour, these are spectacular. This isn’t the author’s only photobook. Fred Kox has released several other kindle photography books for free at the current time. I’ve looked at a few and in each case the quality has been as high.

It is a short book, but given the high quality of the images, that is understandable or download fees would be prohibitive. I would have loved some text, perhaps a little detail about where there were taken, especially one stunning shot of a lighthouse and a pier, or at least a short bio of the photographer at the end. In other ways the simplicity of the layout works for the book: there are no distractions and the photographs are strong enough to stand alone.

While you can get the photobooks for free, I would suggest that you do. It may seem odd for a book reviewer to recommend a book with no words, but given the quality of the content I do so quite happily.

Rating: 4
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