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Motivation from TheQuotes.Net - Inspirational Quotes To Get You Motivated Positively
Last Free Dates: 18th Apr 17 to 22nd Apr 17
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...The book has its heart in the right place, and the content could be useful and interesting, but it's just so very inaccessible....
This book contains, as it says, many motivational quotes. The cover is a photograph with white text superimposed. The title is clear enough in thumbnail and the photograph – a lighthouse – is appropriate enough.
The quotes come from and many links to this site are provided throughout. In many ways this eBook is a promotional piece for the website rather than a standalone read. There are also biographies of various people and selections of quotes from each. However there is no over-arching theme or organisation – each section is laid out differently making it hard to find a specific quote. If you wanted a quotation dictionary, this is not one. The quotes have their speakers, but no dates or context making it impossible to use this as a reference or confirm the validity of the quotes.
This brings me to the major flaw with this book. While the quotes might be motivational I found it very difficult to read them. I did not spot many typos or grammar issues, because of the layout problems.
This book has serious formatting issues – line spacing between the quotes in a list varies (compare page 10 and page 20). It can be difficult to tell where a quote begins and ends as the spacing for a quote and a linebreak inside a quote are the same thickness. No quotation marks are used to help indicate this. There are pages with four different font sizes in use, and some list headings are the same size as chapter titles.
There is no stand-alone table of contents – the front matter is cover, an introduction and then the quotes. Kindle does generate one if you press the menu button. There are no line breaks between sections however, which makes these seem fairly random. One section contains many images, which might explain why the filesize is not small.
Which is where this review becomes difficult. The book has its heart in the right place, and the content could be useful and interesting, but its just so very inaccessible. I had to debate the rating for this for some time. It would have been a two-star but it’s well below the level of the others I have given this rating to.
As a free book it might be worth a quick look, but as it is?
No rating. Fix the formatting and this rating will go up.
Rating: No Rating.Reviewed by
Reviewed on: 2013-09-01
Review Policy: No compensation is received for reviews. View our Review Policy here.