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Sad stories: A collection of 35 so sad stories (Sad stories that will make you cry)

Last Free Dates: 10th Aug 23 to 14th Aug 23
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... It receives a rating of one, read straight. For fans of the glurgiest of glurge it is a five....
Overblown,, melodramatic, drowning in angst, yes. Sad? I wasgiggling by the end of the first story because it was just so….
To get an idea, imagine the worst parody of Desert Island Discs you can think of. Now imagine it in text speak written by a fourteen year old valleygirl. If you aren’t cringing or laughing, make it worse. That’s what I just read.
A boy commits suicide by tigers, thoughtfully slavering himself with ketchup first.
The cover makes it looks as though the stories should be sad, but they are so bad they are brilliant. If this was a parody it would be five stars, butI am honestly concerned it may be serious…. The formatting varies between stories, and for the first couple it is poor, with walls of text broken upby the non-standard speech formatting – script style with name and colon followed by speech. It looks oddly blended with the short sections of storybetween them. Random words are capitalised in sentences. There are sentence fragments. I could play bingo with the grammar errors. More normalformatting and better writing happens in the second, and the patchy nature of it makes me think this has been cribbed from several sources.
I really can’t recommend this book if you are looking for sad stories. I did recommend this book to a club on the grounds that it is the finest ofglurge and had given me many giggles. It is also the book that made Angel snort into her tea.
It receives a rating of one, read straight. For fans of the glurgiest of glurge it is a five, and great for turkey reads. Just don’t pay for it.
Rating: 1Reviewed by
Reviewed on: 2018-09-06
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