Listing on BookAngel:
Sweet Fire: Sugar, Diabetes & Your Health

Last Free Dates: 24th Jul 13 to 25th Jul 13
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...I tried to skim this book to get the review done, but I kept slowing down because it was too interesting....
Sweet Fire is more than simply a book for diabetics. It’s likely to be of interest to anyone concerned about diet or looking for an introduction to nutrition.
The Kindle book opens in the preface, which is a surprising way into the book, after the table of contents, acknowledgements, front matter and notes about diabetes.
The cover is fairly standard for non fiction – coloured text in front of a pale picture of a woman and a greyed out background. The formatting is excellent – a rarity with a book which had diagrams. The writing style is clear and easy to understand, and concepts such as the amount of sugar in food are laid out in a way that anyone can understand. When the author makes assumptions, she states them sepcifically in highlighted boxes to make sure readers are aware. The descriptions of body processes are both understandable and intriguing.
Not only does it detail diabetes throughly, the explanation of meals and suggestions of ways to cope are the type of information that is likely to be useful to a wider audience. Anyone who wants to examine their diet would probably find this book a good starting point.
Regular quizzes, with answers on a website, are a nice touch.
I tried to skim this book to get the review done, but I kept slowing down because it was too interesting. This is the best type of health book – detailed, funny in parts, and above all understandable. I think the only complaint I have about it is that reading it has put me off sugar!
I give this book a 4 star.
Rating: 4Reviewed by
Reviewed on: 2013-09-01
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