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The Three Kitties That Saved My Life

Last Free Dates: 1st Aug 23 to 2nd Aug 23
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... A wonderful tale of finding joy after loss and sadness. With kittens....
When Mike loses his wife to leukemia, he is distraught and when he alsoloses his cat to cancer, his life loses meaning and he falls into despair. A chance meeting at a barbershop introduces him to Coco, a stray found thatmorning, and instead of being turned into the Humane society, Mike takes the kitten home. After he is cleaned and washed and has his vaccinations,Coco starts to make an impact on his life, mainly by causing trouble around the house as only a kitten can, but also bringing Mike out of his shell.>From then he decides to start dating again when he meets Kitty, a divorcee an animal lover. And finally, once married and they settle down, with hislife is beginning to return to normal, he find Pom-Pom, a kitten almost identical to Coco, who becomes the final addition to the family.
This is a wonderful book, of someone’s trials from loss, grief and depression to coming out the other side and being able to turn their life around,not just by themselves but with the help of the small kitten at first. The writing is descriptive and heartbreaking in places from the loss thatoccurs and the life he exists in as a widower. The thoughts and feelings come across clearly giving you a good idea of just what he was going throughat the time. The kittens are adorable, all three of them, and yes it took me a moment to realise that his wife is one of them. The descriptions ofCoco and how he interacts and helps to bring Mike out of his rut are enjoyable and should be familiar to anyone who has a cat. The details of how hemet his current wife and the trails and tribulations of dating again after such tragic events should give hope to those who are encountering the samefate.
Overall, this was a pleasure to read through, even though the books is not that long. It is a wonderful tale of finding joy after loss and sadness.With kittens.
Rating: 5Reviewed by
Reviewed on: 2018-10-04
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