Wild Women Rising: Powerful Poems And Reflections To Heal and Uplift A Women’s Heart

...The poems here are each followed by a feminist prose piece but the poems themselves have some gems, with a far broader appeal than the feminist or feminine. Written in rhythmic prose rather than rhyme... they read fluently and compellingly. ...

I found this under Poetry, but the poems are only about a third of the ebook. Prose pieces between the poems speak directly to the reader, in an incitement to action and anger, asking the question so common to the extremes of feminism when I was young: when will you rage?

I have to say an earlier acknowledgement that women are people and therefore diverse might not go amiss. To credit the whole of women for the act of one woman is ridiculous, and robs the woman who performed the act of credit as surely as if it had been credited to a man. Given this early focus on women as a whole and what they should be, the later acknowledgement (loc 285) that woman are diverse falls a little flat. In some ways, as a believer in “death of the author”, I found these pieces a hinderance as they tell you how the author believes you should interpret the pieces, restricting your own imagination.

The poems themselves have some gems, with a far broader appeal than the feminist or feminine. Written in rhythmic prose rather than rhyme, with the focus on cadence rather and rigid form, they read fluently and compellingly. With themes from religion, oppression (including the chains people place on themselves), fear, risk, and freedom.

Emergence is a wonderfully subtle piece about what is commonly known as tall poppy syndrome, or the crab bucket – the tendency of people to drag down those who stand out. It focuses on women, which is a shame as this piece would be relatable for many.

The Invitation similarly, speaks of the themes of the outcast, of unwanted social constraints and the choice of whether to fit in. The piece that follows speaks of the need for the black sheep, and again this is not specifically a feminist theme.

Interval Act, a very short piece, is my personal favourite, for the quick and fluid blend of religion, personal connection, and the wide open future.

I believe these poems may be useful for students of English, and for the younger generation of women who they may speak to directly and give a voice to their thoughts, ideas and concerns over the changing world. For those who are a little older and set in their ways, the poems are strong enough in themselves to provide a moment’s thought and some enjoyment.

I, however, shall settle for printing out Interval Act and pinning it to the fridge.

Rating: 4
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rz3300 (8 October 2016)
I do not get to enjoy enough poetry as I should, so this might be a good way to break that cycle. I can think of some great women in my life who might enjoy this as a possible gift too, so I am always looking for of those opportunities.

djbook (8 October 2016)
Not for me. But, I know a few people who'd love this book. Poetry is really not my thing, unless they're like related to Christmas or something.

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