
Free on 25th - 29th Sep 17
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6 Bad Habits Guys Possess That Make Them Lose Out On Miss Right In Their Relationships! With possible ways to avoid them.

Tired Of Breaking up? Sick Of Bad dating and Relationship? Ready To Understand Why Your Relationships Are Always a dead zone?

If you find yourself repeating the same unwanted relationship circumstances again and again. If you’re tired of breaking up. If you want to keep your relationship with proven and tested possible solutions, then this book has your name written on it.

When it comes to relationships and dating, there’s no such thing as bad timing. There’s only bad habits and alignments.

Have you ever wondered what you always do that makes your lady leave you for someone else, let me help you…

oAre you currently suffering from Relationship OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER (rOCD). ?
oAre you living a Narcissistic lifestyle?
oAre you a WORKAHOLIC?
oDo you flirt or cheat with other ladies thinking it doesn’t matter as long as you love your spouse?
oAre you having insecurity issues?
oAre you always forgetful most especially special dates, that it affects your relationships?
oWhere your relationship patterns come from and the exact steps you need to take to shift them?

oHow to keep that one person who is a true match to your soul?

You weren’t born unlucky or with these bad habits, the same way you learned them during your upbringing the same way you can unlearn them now, it’s not your looks, and it’s not because you’re looking in all the wrong places. You’re not the problem, it’s your inner game that’s sabotaging your relationships. The vibes you’re putting out. Those vibes and learning how to shift them is the only thing standing between you, and the relationship of your dreams.

oHow to shift the vibes you’re putting out so you stop breaking up from the relationships you have always dreamt off.

oThe root cause of your unwanted relationships patterns and why we don’t even realize we have them.

oHow to overcome relationship fears and barriers created by unhealthy circumstances or past traumas.

oProcesses to identify specific conscious and subconscious aspects you may be carrying that sabotage or create unwanted relationship circumstances.

oimportance of understanding the vibration you’re putting out and why learning to shift your vibration is the most The powerful thing you can do.

oThe Archetypes of Attraction and how to identify what pattern you fall under.

oHow your soulmate is a match to your soul and how to take down the inner barriers preventing that special someone from showing up.

With this book, you can stop being a victim to bad relationships. It is written to help you get positive results.

Stop being a victim of past circumstance and the relationship blocks they create. This book will teach you exactly what you need to know. Exactly what action steps to take to shift your relationships and the people you attract once and for all.

Here’s your chance to finally break free! Get this book and attract the relationship of your dreams!

Free on 25th - 29th Sep 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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