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When the story begins, a pre-teenager is being chased by demons in the spirit realm as a test by his Guardian angel. The angel tells him that the chase reminds him of Gabriel’s ordeal with the Prince of Persia, so the Angel tells the story to the boy in the spirit realm. This is the story.

Gabriel, a messenger of the Lord is called upon by the Lord to send a message to Daniel on earth, who had been crying unto the Lord for days for an answer to a vision that he saw. Gabriel descends into the earth, only for him to be stopped by the Spirit Prince of the kingdom of Persia, with an army behind him. The Prince of Persia insists he will be subdued and stopped in his quest. Gabriel and the Prince of Persia, Marakech, debate on the rules of contact with humans. Marakech demands that Gabriel’s contact with the human is spiritually illegal, such that he cannot allow it in his kingdom. Based upon this Marakech unleashes his army of Battle demons unto Gabriel.
There is an intermission where the audience is brought back to the boy’s world, as he senses something evil at play on earth. A seven year old boy is being drawn into a trap by a demon who wishes to corrupt the innocence of the child. The Pre-teenager called Elias and his angel interfere and save the boy. When the seven year old boy is saved, Elias demands from his angel to continue the story as they travel home to Elias’ abode. The story continues.
Gabriel goes through a series of battles with demon officers, demon warlocks, and nature demons, who pursue him relentlessly. He is able to lose them a couple of times by merging with nature energy.
Each time he is discovered, he is drawn into perilous battles with powerful demons. He is able to close in on Daniel’s location only for him to be tessered (teleported) to another location by trickery. He finds himself in the mountains close to his initial position when he first arrived on earth, only to be bombarded by more battle demons, at which point he sends a telepathic distress call into heaven.
The call is relayed to Michael, who is battling with the Prince of Medea (Grecia) and his army, who responds by taking a portion of his army to go and support Gabriel. Gabriel is able to defeat the mountain demons, but faces a new enemy. Gabriel is trapped in a dimensional interchanger with a Damangin, a beast from the Pit, one of the lower dimensions of hell. This is a battle Gabriel knows he might lose, and can only hope that reinforcements will come in time….if there is time…….

When Gabriel’s story ends, the boy and his Guardian Angel are blown from the sky by an old Demon Prince called Azazel. The Guardian Angel is able to protect the boy and himself from significant damage. Azazel confronts the Guardian Angel on why he is training a human child, especially a powerful Archangel like him. He suspects fowl play from God and demands answers from the Guardian angel, but the angel refuses to give a definitive answer and a battle ensues…

Free on 1st - 5th Apr 18
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