Author: Tags: Length: Novel

Free on 19th - 20th Nov 13
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A Complete Author Marketing Course

If you are self published, have several books available, and you’ve learned that it’s not as easy as they say to make money with Kindle, then chances are that you are spending more and more time marketing than you spend writing, and that’s not good.

You’ve probably bought the Publishing Bible books by Tom Corsen Knowles, read John Tighe and his Crush it with kindle, studied Derek Doepker and his Kindle Bestseller Secrets, and maybe read John Locke with his story of selling a million ebooks. They are all very fine books.

The idea with becoming a writer is that you build a passive income right? That’s possibly why you started writing in the first place. Passive Income should be income where you don’t have to spend the rest of your life marketing. When that happens, you are back to trading time for money, and that’s not passive is it.

The twist with this series is that it will help you put in place not just passive income, but passive book marketing too.

If you get the marketing right first time, then there’s little else to do but write more content, and that’s what you really need to build that income you deserve. Sure, you will have to do some marketing in the future, but the idea is that you get it right the first time, stsematize the marketing, and then move on.

So what are your options?

  • Do nothing, continue along as you are now and just keep increasing your marketing workload
  • Learn all of this yourself through trial and error
  • Try this book series and take a shortcut.

This book gives you the latest and best advice possible when it comes to book marketing. It will give you the best of those tips that you have heard about elsewhere coupled with new ideas and thoughts, all backed with testing.

I haven’t sold a million books (yet), but unlike the other authors of kindle marketing books, I come from a professional sales & marketing background. That gives me a unique perspective of what actually makes sales happen in any industry. I’ve sold everything from radio advertising to children’s clothes and yes, I sell books too.

This series will walk you, step by step, through a comprehensive author marketing plan that will do just that.

This first volume in the series will look at your book before it’s published; If you get this part right then you will never have to go through major changes again. (How many times have you changed your books so far?)

A little of what you will learn:

  • How the Amazon algorithms work and what are the factors that influence them
  • The work you must do to optimize your books for success.
  • A proven formula called SPEVOS for putting together a powerful sales message
  • How to force your readers to join your list
  • Author Central vs KDP Editor (after the Nov 2013 changes)
  • Reviews and how to get them
  • Increase your kindle book sales using psychology
  • What content should be included in every book that you write
  • Pricing strategies
  • Much More

Included with the book are supporting documents; spreadsheets and checklists to track your efforts

This first book in the series will form the foundation of your author marketing plan. It’s comprehensive, detailed and most importantly, proven to work.

Take A Look Inside

Before you buy this book, take a look inside at the first chapter by clicking the image at the top of the page

Amazon Prime Members – Borrow this book for FREE  

Free on 19th - 20th Nov 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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