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Free on 30th Dec 14 - 3rd Jan 15
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Children’s Virtues by Melissa Jones, will teach your child the importance of 26 Virtues such as ethics, forgiveness, thankfulness, and so much more!

Your child will love the characters, stories, and lessons taught in Children’s Virtues. They also will be simultaneously learning the alphabet and important character building traits!

What are virtues and why are they so important to teach children?

What is ethics? Ethics is a set of values that you do use whenever faced with a decision on how to apply a choice of actions. The ethics that we go by, and live by, do define who we are as people. Therefore, they are something very important to have, and they define one’s character from the get go. The best way to gauge a person’s intentions is by viewing his or her ethics. If someone has good ethics. They usually make the best choice of actions possible that are both sound and proper in every way. Virtues are important to teach children for a number of reasons. The most crucial of all reasons is to give them an excellent set of qualities to have for themselves for always.

Where does the word virtue come from and what does it mean?

The word virtue itself originally comes from the Latin word that does stand for man. It stands for a good quality that can humans (man) can practice and which clearly does set them apart from animals. In today’s definition, virtue means having a good quality that promotes humans to help each other. These virtues do help one to act for the overall good of their families and community. It is not at all about one’s own personal pleasure.

Children’s Virtues can teach kids all about being noble in nature and behavior

A long time ago, the word noble used to stand for one who is born of high rank, and most probably into a very rich family that is described as being blue-blooded. However, today, the word noble means something very entirely, and the meaning is this. The meaning of the word noble now is all about being good and being the best kind of person that is possible. It also denotes being good for the sake of others. Children’s Virtues is a book that can teach boys and girls all about the nine noble virtues. What are these nine noble virtues? They are no other than courage, truth, honor, fidelity, hospitality, self-reliance, discipline, industry and perseverance.

What does the world courage mean?

The word courage is derived from the Latin word for heart. It means that one is brave. There is two ways to be brave. One way to be brave is to do it physically and to stand up for what you do believe in. The other way is to have moral courage and this courage is all about standing up for what you believe in, even when, it would be better just to be quiet. Courage can also mean to avoid doing what is wrong at all times and doing just what is just and right. Children’s Virtues teaches kids all about courage, which translates to the Letter B, and this Letter B is for Bravery. Children’s virtues are indeed so many, it’s true, and they grow and change to encounter all things new. B is for Bravery because it does mean having to take some big chances along the big road that is life. What an awesome picture book with virtue power backing it up.

Free on 30th Dec 14 - 3rd Jan 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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